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Investor Relations

Our platform includes SaaS experiences for pickup, pay at curb, in-store checkout, real-time inventory management as well as enterprise promotions to increase engagement, expand basket size, and improve margins. OneView significantly reduces regret spend and dramatically increases speed to market with a commerce engine that empowers control and innovation at every touchpoint. Australia Post, The Kroger Company and Molton Brown are among the global retailers revolutionizing their customer engagement with OneView.

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Chief Executive Officer

Linda Palanza is Chief Executive Officer of OneView. She works to oversee that the company’s vision and strategic initiatives are implemented in all divisions and is also is actively involved in the day-to-day operations of sales, development and services. Prior to OneView, Linda has held executive and management positions over the last 30 years at a variety of software providers including GK Software AG, NSB Retail Systems plc, Advanced Business Technologies (ABT), Geac Enterprise Systems, Software 2000 (Infinium) and American Software.

Non-Executive Director

Gary is a member of the OneView Board and has been so since his appointment in October 2015. In addition to OneView, Gary is also Chairman of Lane Capital Group and Wairakei International Golf Course. Gary is a successful entrepreneur and a private investor in a number of listed and unlisted entities.

Share Dealing Arrangement

The Company’s Ordinary Shares (‘Shares’) were canceled from trading on AIM on 11 October 2018.


As the Shares are no longer traded on a registered exchange, the Board has put in place a Share Dealing Arrangement (‘SDA’). Any shareholder wishing to bid to buy Shares or offer to sell Shares should complete the SDA Form below and email it to Any offers or bids made in this way represent an indication to sell or buy and are not, at this stage, legally binding.

The Company will maintain a register of all bids and offers and the price at which each shareholder has stated he or she will sell or buy. If bid and offer prices from any two shareholders match, the Company will contact each shareholder to confirm they wish to execute the transaction at the stated price and will facilitate the sale and registration of the new shareholder.


Download the Share Dealing Arrangement

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